The "Get Screened" initiative is a conceptual public service announcement campaign, strategically designed to enhance public awareness and promote breast cancer screening. The campaign's tagline, "Don't Be A Statistic. Get Screened", is seamlessly integrated into a backdrop of recent breast cancer statistics sourced from breastcancer.org, the prospective client for this campaign. Breastcancer.org is concerned with making screening awareness more accessible across various age groups, making them the preferred client for this project.
Through the research process for this campaign, I was confronted with the alarming statistics associated with breast cancer, affecting individuals of all genders. Consequently, I elected to present the tagline in a vibrant shade of pink, a nod to the iconic breast cancer ribbon, while maintaining a contemporary, gender-neutral approach.
Through the research process for this campaign, I was confronted with the alarming statistics associated with breast cancer, affecting individuals of all genders. Consequently, I elected to present the tagline in a vibrant shade of pink, a nod to the iconic breast cancer ribbon, while maintaining a contemporary, gender-neutral approach.